AL-IKHSAN: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies 2024-04-02T00:00:00+00:00 Siti Rokhmah Open Journal Systems <p><strong>AL-IKHSAN: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal published by Penerbit Hellow Pustaka. The journal is aimed at spreading the research results conducted by academicians, researchers, and practitioners in the field of Islamic Studies. In particular, papers which consider the following general topics are invited: Islamic Research, Islamic Education, Islamic Teaching, Islamic History, Islamic Learning, Islamic Law, Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Thought, Tafsir, Hadith, Islamic Economics, Islamic Finance, and Islamic Civilization.</p> <p><strong>AL-IKHSAN: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies</strong> Published 2 (two) times annually, on April and October. Each of the issue has 6 articles both on conceptual article and research article. AL-IKHSAN: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies in English or Arabic written articles are also welcomed.</p> واقع علاقة مجتمع المدينة المنورة بالقرآن الكريم وعنايتهم به في زمن النبي محمد ﷺ 2023-09-26T01:53:23+00:00 Mahamat Ahmat Ousman Ali Bey Zekkoub Abdelali <p>يأتي هذا البحث لإبراز سلوك مجتمع الصحابة رضوان الله عليهم، وخصوصًا في المدينة المنورة، وبالتحديد فيما يُظهر علاقتهم بالقرآن الكريم، الأمر الذي يساعد لتلبية الاحتياج المستمر لدى المجتمعات المسلمة لما يقوم سلوكها ويجعلها أقدر على الاقتداء بسلوكهم مع القرآن الكريم. واتبع البحث المنهج الاستقرائي التحليلي. وقد أظهر البحث شيئًا من التفاوت في استجابة مجتمع المدينة المنورة لما بلغهم من كتاب الله تعالى؛ فكان منهم المؤمنون الذين استجابوا لنور القرآن وكانوا خير مثال للسلوك الصحيح مع القرآن الكريم، وكان منهم غير ذلك ممن لم يستجيبوا. كما أظهر البحث أن مما كانت له عناية في مجتمع المدينة المنورة زمن النبي ﷺ؛ معرفة حقيقة القرآن الكريم، والامتثال لأوامره، والخشوع عند سماعه وتلاوته.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mahamat Ahmat Ousman Ali, Bey Zekkoub Abdelali Fazlur Rahman's Approach to the Major Themes of the Qur'an and Western Interpretation of the Qur'an 2023-10-04T14:22:29+00:00 Muhammad Adip Fanani Ach Fawaid M Iqbal Abdurrohman <p>In the Islamic tradition, the development of Islamic studies is very interesting to continue to study, in the form of literature by western orientalists. This started after there was cultural contact between Islam and Christianity in the western world. Fazlur Rahman was a Muslim scholar who taught in the Western world (1332-1408 H/1919-1988 AD). He really knows the ins and outs of Orientalist studies by Western scholars, he studied at the University of Chicago, United States. One of Rahman's interesting studies discussed is, Major Themes of the Koran. He opposed the interpretation of the Qur'an carried out by orientalists such as Geiger, Theodor and Wansbrough, who considered that the Qur'an was only the work of the Prophet Muhammad and not from Allah SWT. In this article, we will discuss the main contents of the book Major Themes of the Qur'an, there are eight main points of Fazlur Rahman's thoughts and western orientalist interpretations of the Al-Qur'an.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Adip Fanani, Ach Fawaid, M Iqbal Abdurrohman تأصيل الصوفية وتأثيرها على الفكر والثقافة الإسلامية 2023-10-04T14:13:33+00:00 Salman Ul Faris Al Wafy <p>في قلب الإسلام العميق تنسجم المقامات الصوفية كمحور رئيسي للفكر والثقافة الإسلامية. إنها تمثل تجربة دينية عميقة وفلسفة تحمل في طياتها تفسيرات روحانية للإسلام ومبادئ تسامحية وتواصلية. تاريخيًا، شكلت المقامات الصوفية مكونًا أساسيًا للتفكير الإسلامي والثقافة، حيث أبدعت في تعزيز الفهم المتبادل وبناء جسور الحوار بين مختلف الثقافات إن المقامات الصوفية تمثل جزءًا لا يتجزأ من الفهم والثقافة الإسلامية. إن تأثيرهم العميق على الفكر والثقافة الإسلامية يجسد التسامح والحوار والتفاهم بين مختلف الثقافات والأديان. يشكل هذا البحث مساهمة مهمة في فهم تلك الدور الحيوي الذي قامت به. على سبيل المثال، أشهر الصوفيين في التاريخ، مثل الإمام الغزالي وجلال الدين الرومي، قدموا أفكارًا وتأملات تسهم في التفاهم الثقافي وتعزيز السلام. في العصر الحديث، استمرت المقامات الصوفية في تأثيرها على الفكر والثقافة الإسلامية. قدمت منصات للحوار والتفاهم بين مختلف الثقافات وتسهم في ترويج قيم السلام والتسامح. تجسد هذه الحركة أيضًا في التفكير الإسلامي المعاصر والاجتماعي.</p> 2024-04-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Salman Ul Faris Al Wafy Faith Across Geographies: Comparative Study of Ahmed Deedat and Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi’s Interfaith Dialogue 2024-03-05T04:04:39+00:00 Umme Ammara <p>This paper is based on a comparative analysis of the approaches of renowned Islamic scholars Ahmed Deedat and Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, explicitly focusing on their contributions to interfaith dialogue, who influenced people worldwide with their vision and prophetic voice. Ahmed Deedat moved to South Africa in the 1930s and was known for his assertive and confrontational style. He gained international recognition for his debates with proponents of various faiths. His emphasis on comparative religion and direct engagement with opposing viewpoints sparked widespread interest and discussions within the global religious landscape. And influenced most Christians, while Maulana Abul Hasan influenced people in India, co-founded the World Islamic Mission, and adopted a more conciliatory and scholarly approach to interfaith dialogue. His emphasis on academic discourse, mutual respect, and finding common ground aimed to foster a harmonious coexistence among religious communities. At its core, this paper reexamines their personal and professional growth in their journey of becoming Islamic scholars and their influence on both Muslims and Non-Muslims in their respective countries. However, I will compare and contrast their approaches to chart out the basic needs and methods they used to move a larger mass to follow Islam amid major socio-political crises in their respective places.</p> 2024-04-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Umme Ammara Upholding Justice Surah An-Nisa Verse 135 (According to Sayyid Qutb and Quraish Shihab) 2023-10-04T14:16:55+00:00 Andyaulya Fitra Abdul Matin Bin Salman <p>Justice is balance which not only includes a balance of rights and obligations, but also harmony with fellow humans. This research aims to reveal the concept of justice in Surah An-Nisa verse 135. The approach used is a qualitative approach with the type of library research, therefore the data and information obtained refer to various treasures related to the focus of writing, namely related with Justice. with the main source being the Koran, Sayyid Qutb's opinion in Tafsir Fi Dzilalil Quran and Quraish Shihab in Tafsir Al-Misbah. From other sources such as journal articles and the internet to obtain clarity regarding the concept of justice referred to in Surah An-Nisa Verse 135. Research Results Show Several important principles that can be found in Surah An-Nisa Verse 135 are First, be fair to everyone. Second, don't follow your desires. Third, believe that Allah is all-seeing, believe that every action will definitely be rewarded. Upholding Justice contained in Q.S. An-Nisa: 135 has a very comprehensive concept. Namely by collaborating three very important components in implementing it.</p> 2024-04-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andyaulya Fitra, Abdul Matin Bin Salman